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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend kinda sucked. My husband and I don't do a lot of things together. I've been bugging him about it. So Saturday evening he decided we would do something together. Oh but you'll never quess what. He had put some corn out earlier in the day. So we drove to the woods and waited until about dark to see if any deer would come out. Of course they didn't because I couldn't be quiet enough. I started laughing so hard and couldn't stop, Told him I was having a blast how about you? (That's the sarcasm coming out again). He said he was never bringing me back with him. I said why not. I'm having so much fun. yeah right! He was so serious about watching for deer. I've never been to the woods with any man without fooling around. Maybe its just me but I was bored to death. I Just don't understand men at all. never will I quess.
posted by Melinda @ 3:52 PM  
  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Bare said…

    You know you love watching for deer, c'mon, admit it *LOL*- I know how much fun it is, and let me tell you, watching paint dry is right up there with it *L*

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger Melinda said…

    Actually, I think watching paint dry is more fun. I know some people enjoy it. I'm definitely not makeing fun of them. But it's obviouly not for me.

  • At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Melinda this is Jessica. I love reading your blogs and im glad i finally figured out how to leave a comment. Im sorry me and Jarrod didnt spend much time at the house last weekedend maybe we will be able to see you more this weekend. Well i hope things get better for you and not so boring. I guess you could always break out the Jim and we could play some cards lol. Anyways i guess ill talk you later or see you this weekend. I hope the rest of the week goes well for you.

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said…

    I like watching for deer, but I don't like dragging others through it. I have asked my wife if she'd like to sit with me and do things that I find spiritualy satisfying and all that, and if she wants to... fine, but she also has told me "No way!" And I don't hold that against her at all.

    Women and men just differ sometimes in what they enjoy for long term, and I think that more of us can benefit by recognizing that about each other.

    She's all the time asking me if I want to go shopping with her, and it used to hurt her feelings when I said no, but anymore she enjoys her own friends when she does that more than she'd enjoy that with me.


  • At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't ya just hate it when you bring the hors d'oeuvres and no one shows up?

    Deer watching, very romantic. How could you laugh at his efforts? You callous woman you!!!

    Darlin', I don't know which is worse... being alone or going deer watching.

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said…

    Or going deer watching alone! Haha!

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Melinda said…

    Susie: I don't know about lining him out. I don't think that's possible.

    Jessica: Thanks for reading my blog. Yeah, I kinda miss having ya'll around. I need someone to spend time with.

    Redneck Nerdboy: I think there's more to our problems than deer watching, But oh well. Life goes on. I just don't know how it will go on sometimes.

    trying2bme: I think going deer watching is worse than being alone. At least when I'm alone I can read everyone's blogs and have fun on the computer. My husband actually hates it.

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