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Monday, September 11, 2006
I will never forget the tragedy the day of sept. 11, 2001. I remember being at work and the t.v. was on. I worked at a donut shop at the time. We had a t.v. in the corner of the room. the room was full of people, When It showed the first plane going into the first tower. everyone in the room got silent. I just stopped and stood there in shock as I watched. As if that wasn't bad enough. While everyone was still in shock over the first plane. while we were all still watching ,the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower. I couldn't help it but tears come to my eyes, and as I looked around the room everyone there had tears in their eyes too. I will always remember that day. I will always keep all of the people that died and people that survived the tragedy in my prayers and thoughts. It made me feel so small in this big world. Knowing that something so tragic could happen so fast and no one would have time to do anything about it.
posted by Melinda @ 7:39 PM  
  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger BarnGoddess_01 said…

    you said "it made me feel so small in the big world"

    exactly the way I felt, small and scared.

  • At 6:43 AM, Blogger cathouse teri said…

    Yes, very small it made us feel. As we should.

    OH! Melinda! You said if I needed anything, find your blog... so here I am! I need a thousand dollars! hehehe

    Thanks for the supportive comments and have a great day!

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger RedNeckGirl said…

    thank you for sharing your 9/11 with us.

  • At 2:33 PM, Blogger Melinda said…

    barngoddess; yeah. that pretty much explains it doesn't it.

    Cathouse teri: That's funny! Hey i hope you had a great day too.

    susie: There may be some very old pictures of me in the slideshow. But I'll try to get some newer ones up.

    Redneck girl: I hate even thinking about that day, but with that's all you seen yesterday on the news. It made me have to think about it.

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