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Sunday, October 29, 2006
My son, Jarrod, went to a halloween party this weekend. His costume is hilarious. I had to post some pictures of it. How he comes up with these ideas is beyond me. I laughed so hard, I could barely take the pictures.

posted by Melinda @ 4:33 PM   7 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
This time of year is really beautiful. The leaves are changing colors and the grass isn't growing so fast. love that part. I haven't posted in a while. But I will try to start posting more. So keep checking in. I have just been doing the usual. Nothing exciting happening. I can't even think of anything to make up that is exciting. lol. All I know right now is that I love my kids more than anything in this world. I quess the beauty of fall has got me to thinking about how special life is and we need to enjoy every minute. Even if we have to make some ordinary day an extraordinary one by just being happy and having a good outlook on life, Thats just what we have to do. BE HAPPY!

Here they are when they were little.

Here they are now. I have no recent pictures of them all together.

posted by Melinda @ 3:53 PM   2 comments
Sunday, October 22, 2006
5 really important Questions > >This is what we have been waiting for...the true answers to 5 really > important Questions: >Q1: WHAT ARE THE SMALL BUMPS AROUND A WOMAN'S NIPPLES FOR? >A: It's Braille for "suck here". >Q2. WHAT IS AN AUSTRALIAN KISS? >A: It's the same as a French kiss, only "down under." >Q3. WHAT DO YOU DO WITH 365 USED CONDOMS? >A: Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear. > >Q4. WHY ARE HURRICANES NORMALLY NAMED AFTER WOMEN? >A: Because when they come, they're wild and wet. But when they go, they >take your house and car with them. >Q5. WHY DO WOMEN RUB THEIR EYES WHEN THEY GET UP IN THE MORNING? >A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch. > Now, you know everything you need to know!
posted by Melinda @ 7:13 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Today I had to go to court. But not because I work there, ha. Because My daughter got caught with alcohol in her car, and open containers. A few weeks back. I'm so glad She at least didn't drink while driving. Because if she had, for one thing it's dangerous. But for another The judge would not have been so nice. She just has to go to alcohol education for 10 hours to get her drivers license back. Of course we had already paid the fine. But she was very nervous. And I'm so glad that is over. We have both learned a good lesson from this. I have told her not to drink and drive, but I know she drinks and she's only 19. What am I suppose to do? lock her up in the house. I just don't want her drinking and driving. I have told her over and over again. I'm glad she listened to me. Maybe I should have been just as concerned about minor possession. But, hey you can't keep them from doing it. You can only keep them from doing it in front of you. Here is a picture of her right after we come out of court. She was so glad its over.
posted by Melinda @ 4:21 PM   3 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Went to the kids rodeo today for a while. My grandsons had some fun riding the goat, and the stick horses. It was really funny to watch all the kids fall off and have lots of fun. I enjoyed it. Here are a few pictures of the rodeo.

My grandson, Seth, riding the stick horse around the barrel.

My daughter, Marla, and her husband Shannon.

Another picture of my grandson, Seth, riding the stick horse.

Another kid having fun riding around the barrel.

posted by Melinda @ 3:17 PM   3 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It has been a very cold day here. I really dread winter. Today, I think it was about in the mid 40's this morning, and it only got up to the mid 50's. I have froze all day. I would love to live in Florida right now. It's suppose to start warming back up by the weekend though.

Other than the cold weather everything is going good. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I'm actually off work this weekend. I don't have anything great planned, maybe just stay at home and do nothing.

Shane just gave the dog a bath, he's running through the house like a madman. He goes crazy when you give him a bath. He weighs about 65 lbs. but he thinks he weighs 2 lbs, the way he just runs and jumps on you.

The company I work for has changed ownership. So my direct deposit is not working for a while. I have to actually go to the bank, I hate that. I got so used to direct deposit, I'll be so glad when they get it started again. Little things like that just drive me crazy. like going to the bank, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, and everything else that actually has to be done. Oh well, someone's gotta do it.

O.K. I'm done complaining for the day. I'll complain more later. lol.
posted by Melinda @ 5:00 PM   4 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
The weekend is finally over and the week begins. yeah. Here are some pictures of my son Jarrod and his girlfriend Jessica. I am very proud of Jarrod for his grades at school this year. so far, all A's and 1 B. Jarrod is my baby, and I've always dreaded the day he would have a girlfriend. But now he's all grown up and He couldn't have done any better at choosing a girlfriend. love ya, Jessica. She is very sweet and nice to be around. I'm glad he chose someone like her. Here are a couple of pictures of them.

posted by Melinda @ 5:38 PM   11 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
A friend and I went to the liquor store last night. I don't know if any of you have heard of the drink called Stiff Dick. Believe it or not. It's great. But I drank a little too much. I sure can tell it today. It don't sound like it would be very good by the ingredients. My friend, her name is Misty, has been trying to get me to try it for a while now. I wouldn't do it because it just didn't sound that good. But now, I know i'll be having more of them. Not as much as I had last night though. I haven't been that wasted in a long time. But, I will drink it again, just not as much. Here are the ingredients.
Southern Comfort
Orange juice
Sprite or 7-up
I really couldn't tell you the exact amounts of each to put in, we just quessed at it. It turned out good. In the glass, you put about 1 inch of southern comfort, then fill it up with sprite and orange juice half of each. Just a dash of grenadine to add a little color and sweetness to it
posted by Melinda @ 11:43 AM   5 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The other night John and Kari was over at the house. Their little girl, Kerinan. decided to try to put her jacket on the dog. She thought he was cold. The dog just stood there and let her do whatever. Hope everyone is having a good week. so far, mine has been o.k. Work as usual. I would love to be able to tell a few people at work to kiss my a__ . But that's just not feasible. You know with me having to work there and stuff. There are a few people there that I like. anyway, here are some pictures of kerinan and the dog.
posted by Melinda @ 2:07 PM   4 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Last night we had a little fire going in the back yard. Sit around and drink a little. We had fun though. Here are a few pictures.

Little Fire

Alicia and Brandon

Erin and Courtney

Big Tarantula that I almost stepped on. Still freaks me out.

I just really can't think of anything to say. So that's why I posted pictures. My mind is in sleep mode even though i'm awake.

posted by Melinda @ 7:29 AM   4 comments
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Name: Melinda
Home: Arkansas, United States
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